Kimchi Korean fermented vegetables Korean Kimchi fermented vegetables Korean Kimchi fermented vegetables home made Korean Kimchi mat Chinese cabbage

Kimchi KJ, mat Kimchi, 40 days fermented, 1000 g, in plastic container, own restaurant production, KJ 김치 « Natrag

SKU kod: KJ601211
Korisnički kod: KJ601211

Korean Kimchi,  40 days fermented, Mat Kimchi, 1000 g, in a plastic container, (vegetarian product), Slovene made kimchi

Best before: min. 2 months in refrigerator

Local Slovene production kimchi is made using the best local ingredients, which provide an extra cool and crispy taste of Kimchi. Kimchi use only selected high-quality ingredients such as Chinese cabbage shrimp, anchovy, garlic, and ginger, which guarantees great taste and quality.
- kimchi is made using clean water.
- kimchi maintains a consistent taste throughout the year with a low salt pickling technique.

 It uses high-quality red pepper powder to create a delicious kimchi taste and color. 
100% natural sea salt (Piran natural salt) gives a crispy texture.
 Store in the refrigerator and do not freeze. Optimal storage between 0 ° C and 4 ° C


Ovaj proizvod trenutno nije dostupan.
14,39 EUR

Podrobnosti produkta

Korean kimchi - restaurant local production - 950 g
(vegetarian product)

40-50% fermented - perfect for cooking kimchi dishes and fresh consumption-
packed in a plastic container.
Kimchi is one of the most well-known and healthy dishes of Korean food. Sliced Kimchi is made with the finest selection of ingredients with 30 years of Kimchi-making know-how. 

What is Kimchi?

Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish made of fermented vegetables, most commonly Napa cabbage, mixed with a variety of seasonings including chili flakes, garlic, and ginger. It is a staple of Korean cuisine and is often served as a side dish or used as a condiment. Kimchi is known for its spicy and tangy flavor, and it is often described as being pungent or savory. It is made by fermenting vegetables in a brine made of water, salt, and other seasonings, and then allowing the mixture to sit for several days or weeks to allow the flavors to develop. The fermentation process gives kimchi its distinctive flavor and also helps to preserve the vegetables.

Fermented vegetables

Fermentation is a process in which microorganisms, such as bacteria and yeast, break down the sugars and carbohydrates in food. This process can be used to preserve food, as well as to add flavor and nutrition. When vegetables are fermented, they are typically soaked in a brine solution, which is a mixture of water, salt, and sometimes other ingredients like spices or seasonings. The brine solution creates an environment that is conducive to the growth of beneficial microorganisms, which break down the vegetables and produce lactic acid. This lactic acid helps to preserve the vegetables and gives them their characteristic tangy flavor. Fermentation can also increase the nutrient content of the vegetables, making them more easily digestible and increasing their vitamin and enzyme levels.

Bacteria and yeast are naturally present on the surface of vegetables, including the vegetables that are used to make kimchi. When the vegetables are submerged in a brine solution and left to ferment, the bacteria and yeast that are present on the vegetables' surfaces begin to grow and multiply. The specific types of bacteria and yeast that are present in kimchi can vary depending on the ingredients that are used and the specific method of fermentation. In general, the bacteria Lactobacillus is often responsible for the fermentation of vegetables, while yeasts like Saccharomyces and Candida can also be present. These microorganisms work together to break down the sugars and carbohydrates in the vegetables, producing lactic acid and other byproducts that contribute to the flavor and preservation of the kimchi.

10 points specific for Korean preparation of kimchi

  1. Napa cabbage is the most common vegetable used to make kimchi, but other vegetables such as radishes, onions, and cucumbers can also be used.

  2. The vegetables are cut into small pieces and soaked in a brine solution made of water and salt.

  3. A variety of seasonings and spices are added to the vegetables, including chili flakes, garlic, ginger, and sometimes seafood or other proteins.

  4. The mixture is left to ferment at room temperature for several days or weeks, depending on the desired level of fermentation and flavor.

  5. The kimchi is then transferred to jars or other containers and stored in the refrigerator, where it will continue to ferment slowly.

  6. Traditional Korean kimchi is made with fermented seafood, such as anchovies or oysters, which adds depth of flavor to the dish.

  7. Kimchi can be made with a variety of different vegetables, and the specific ingredients and proportions can vary greatly depending on regional and personal preferences.

  8. Kimchi is often served as a side dish with rice and other Korean dishes, but it can also be used as a condiment or ingredient in other dishes.

  9. The fermentation process produces lactic acid, which gives kimchi its characteristic tangy flavor and helps to preserve the vegetables.

  10. Kimchi is a rich source of probiotics, as the fermentation process promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria. It is also high in vitamins and minerals, and has been linked to a number of health benefits.

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are similar to the beneficial microorganisms found in the human gut. They are sometimes referred to as "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help to keep the gut microbiome balanced and support overall health.

There is evidence to suggest that probiotics can have a number of health benefits, including:

  1. Supporting digestive health: Probiotics can help to support the normal functioning of the digestive system and improve symptoms of digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhea, and inflammatory bowel disease.

  2. Boosting the immune system: Probiotics can help to support the immune system by helping to keep harmful bacteria in check.

  3. Improving mental health: Some studies have suggested that probiotics may be helpful in reducing anxiety and depression and improving overall mental well-being.

  4. Reducing the risk of certain infections: Probiotics may help to reduce the risk of certain infections, such as urinary tract infections and respiratory infections.

  5. Improving skin health: Some research suggests that probiotics may be helpful in improving certain skin conditions, such as eczema.

It is important to note that the specific health benefits of probiotics may vary depending on the type of microorganism and the individual. More research is needed to fully understand the potential health benefits of probiotics.


LINK: https://mykoreankitchen.com/kimchi-spaghetti-with-bacon/


Kimchi Fried Rice

This super simple, yet super tasty kimchi fried rice. It needs just a few ingredients, but it’s a dish much loved by Koreans.

It is also a great idea to put a fried egg on top and a bit of roasted and shredded seaweed flakes makes Kimchi fried rice so yummy! No much of preparation in advance for kimchi fried rice. If you have kimchi and a bowl of rice on hand, you are good to go to stir fry!


 For 2-3 Persons  Preparation Time ca. 10 min Minuten


  • 3 bowls steamed rice
  • 1 cup chopped kimchi
  • ¼ cup kimchi juice
  • ¼ cup water
  • 2-3 tablespoons gochujang
  • 3 teaspoons sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil or olive oil
  • 1 green onion, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds
  • 1 sheet of sea weeds, roasted and shredded


  1. Heat up a pan. Add the vegetable or olive oil.
  2. Add the kimchi and stir-fry for 1 minute.
  3. Add rice, kimchi juice, water, and gochujang. Stir all the ingredients together for about 7 minutes with a wooden spoon.
  4. Add sesame oil and remove from the heat.
  5. Make a fried egg. Cook slowly until whites are completely set and yolks begin to thicken but are not hard.
  6. Sprinkle with chopped green onion, roasted seaweeds, and sesame seeds. Serve right away.
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